Friday, November 14, 2008


You can see me falling
And yet you walk away
You said you’d always love me
Until my dying day

But now that I’m crying
You want no part of me
You said you’d always be there
But that’s not what I see

I see a broken promise
I see a twisted soul
I see that my broken heart
Has finally reached its toll

And yet I keep on fighting
I fight to stay alive
Because until I see your face
I refuse to die

My soul will fight against my heart
Until I’ve lost my mind
You’ll return me to myself
But you are not so kind

You close my eyes and walk away
You watch me struggle and fight
But you do not lift a finger to help
When I’m crying through the night

So until you open my eyes
And let me see your face
Then I will keep on fighting
Just to learn my place

English text ©Copyright by Disappearing, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this poem may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the Author.


Emma Claire said...

that's really good! I like that one a lot. :D

Rose Mary said...

wow. I'm so jealous of you sometimes. but in the good way. (yes there is a good way.)

Emma Claire said...

hmm...i didn't know that there was a good way to be jealous

Hoshi said...

me neither.

Reagan said...

Wow. That was depressingly genius. What enpired you to write this poem.

Emma Claire said...

enpired....i'll have to write that in my dictionary..

but seriously...can you be jealous in a good way? I always thought it was bad...

Decemberflower said...

me too. i didn't know there was a good jealousy! but if there is, i'm flattered RM.

Rose Mary said...

there's a good way. I don't really know how 2 describe it, though. sorry!

Reagan said...

What inspired you to write this song.
You happy, Emma Claire. JK! LOL!!!

Emma Claire said...

yes! My question has been answered! ....somewhat
lol :)

Reagan said...

I love you, Emma! You rock!

Rose Mary said...

I'm sorry! I'm a horrible describer! there's probably actually a better word but i don't know it...

Reagan said...

A better work for what?

Rose Mary said...

than jealous.

Emma Claire said...

lol thnx! U rock 2!
What about envy? That's like a good jealousy

Reagan said...

No it's not. I think you should be happy for who you are and what you have to offer. When you envy someone a lot of the times you start to look down on yourself. If you want to do something as well as someone else you have to work at it. Being jealous or full of envy doesn't solve anything in my opinion.

Emma Claire said...


Rose Mary said...

no,l envy is an even worse word. i dunno. probably closer to admiration, but not quite...

Reagan said...

Admiring someone is great! It's just jealousy and envy that I don't like.

Hoshi said...

wow. i feel depressed.

Decemberflower said...

hahaha! 1st of all, it's not a song. everything i post on here is never a song, soully a poem. i will never add a tune to these. they're all completely songs. and i wrote it cuz there was someone i knew and they actually liked me, but when i got depressed, they kinda left me.

Reagan said...


Decemberflower said...

it was when i was 9 rylie! it's okay. i wrote this when i was 9.

Reagan said...


Decemberflower said...

what'swith the growlyness

Emma Claire said...

I feel so left out! Stupid head cold! i missed so much. it's okay. I'll put it all in the comment below! Whew! I'm so smart

Emma Claire said...

Okay so i think that i have no idea what word you want R.M...maybe, um...inspiration? Um, Jin, where was I when you were nine...was that in ...ouch, doing the math is giving me a headache, 4th grade? Oh god. flash backs. Mrs. Crosby hated me. Do you think it had something to do with the fact that i hit her in the head with a bracelet in class one day?

Anyway, who was it?

And did you know that they took out the tanbark from the playground and put squishy stuff in? how unfair is that? Every time i played in there i got splinters! >:(

And interesting growl Rylie....

Reagan said...

Why thank you.

Decemberflower said...

when i was 9 i was just getting used to you, wasn't i? abd i think i thought you were a girly girl... or somein' like that.

Reagan said...

Ha! That's hilarious!

Decemberflower said...

no really

Emma Claire said...

ur welcome
and i have no idea. i don't even remember what i had for lunch. my memory is prioritized..idk y and i so was not a girly girl. I've never been. i just liked to wear dresses all the time till i was in like 3rd grade(not to school though) and i changed my outfit like 5 times a day but....that's just me. lol

hmm... i don't think i'm a girly, girl ...i'm a girl..but not i?

Hoshi said...

jin, i'm sorry, but just drop the subject of Adeen's kits, okay! i understand you aren't happy about it, but she is, and so am i, and Kourton says he is too. so just leave the subject and leave us alone, because it really freakin bugs and i'm ready to go ka-freakin-boom over it!!!

Emma Claire said...


Hoshi said...

you would be... sorry if it's all confusing, I don't know if Jin would want me to explain it. She might get more mad at me because you would know. Ask her yourself, and make sure you say that it was me who started it. I'm becoming masochistic all of a sudden and feeling like bring it on BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHEN FUN NIGHT/HUNTING NIGHT IS AND I'M FEELING LIKE DEATH ANYWAY BECAUSE I HAVN'T FED IN A WHILE SO DON'T BLEED, ANYONE, PLEASE. THAT'S MY ONLY REQUEST. Also Emma if you really want to know about our insane experiences, I'm writing a book on my past.

If you want to read the infantile first page of it, go here.

make sure you tell Jin if you ask her exactly what she is. Because she's not human. And neither am I. *evil laugh* but don't be scared. I'm just as civilized as Edward or Alice is. Even if they don't exist.

Oh well. Whatever happens, I think you should ask Jin, since she's deeper into this than I am. She knows practically everything about any creature, or if she doesn't, she can find out. She found out my past, and she's my friend, and I thank her for that.

Also Jin I'm sorry.

I have a few questions for you, Jin. You didn't answer your phone so I couldn't ask you over the phone wires.

Why is my skin ice-cold now? Why have my eyes not settled on one color yet? And when the heck si the next fun night???

Those are the most important questions out of the tons of questions that are buzzing around in my head. Seriously. I gave my mom a hug and she was just like Jeez you're cold, like you've been in a freezer.

Not. Good. At. All.

Emma I'm sorry if I confused you, but if you want to know what's been happening recently with all of us abnormal people, check here.

Jin is the most likely to open up to physicals, plus she's one of your friends, so she'll probably tell you. Sorry for the confusion.

Reagan said...

Well, since we're confessing. I'm not human either. Probably half the people you talk to on this blog aren't human. I hope you don't think we're crazy after this because we're not...or are we? E-mail me at if you need to ask me any questions. I would give you my phone number, but then creepers on the internet could hunt me down. That would be scary.
Oh yeah, and Adeen; the next fun night is actually on the night of Thanks giving. Go figure.

Decemberflower said...

it's on 11/27/08,
we get to go hunt after a turkey dinner (no turkey for me though)

Reagan said...

You're not mad that we told Emma Claire we weren't human?

Decemberflower said...

no. not at all. she has the right to know, and we have no right to keep secrets from her.

Reagan said...

Actually, we do have the right to keep secrets from her. It's America, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's nice.

Hoshi said...

so if we don't have the right to keep secrets from her what gives you the freakin right to manipulate me to feel bad for you because i "hurt you so emotionally" and it "affects everyone" because i don't see how and I don;t like it that you are just getting mad and acting like I hurt you really bad because in my eyes i didn't. you didn't have a say in my decision and you never will!

Reagan said...

I'm confused. Adeen, would you please clarify the problem here?

Decemberflower said...

you know the problem rylie. it's okay.
and adeen, i wasn't at all trying to change you in anyway. i was stating myself, and i also have the right to do that. i have the right to express my feelings, as you do. and i wasn't manipulating you, i don't do that to people. and if you knew me fully, you'd understand that i believe poeple have a HUGE right of choice. so i wasn't trying to butt into your decision. not at all. i wasn't.